Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Activation codes for Glo Internet bundles

Glo 200MB Internet Browsing Plan - Always Micro (30 days)
– N1,000 SMS 53 to 127
Glo 6GB Internet Browsing Plan - Always Max (30 days) –
N7,500 SMS 12 to 127
Glo 1GB Internet Browsing Plan - Always Macro (30 days) –
N3,000 SMS 54 to 127
Glo 3GB Internet Browsing Plan - Always Min (30 days) –
N5,000 SMS 11 to 127
Glo 10GB Internet Browsing - Silver Plan (30 days) – N10,000
dial *127*11#
Glo 15GB Internet Browsing - Gold PLAN (30 days) – N15,000
dial *127*12#
Glo 20GB Internet Browsing - Platinium (30 days) – N18,000
dial *127*13#
Glo G300 (300 hours internet bundle) – N15,000 (4GB data
limit) SMS 21 to 127
Glo G100 (100 hours internet bundle) – N6,000 (3GB data
limit) send 20 to 127
Glo G Work (8am – 9pm) – N6,000 (3GB limit) send 31 to 127
Glo G Leisure (8pm – 9am + all day weekend) – N5,000 (3GB
limit) SMS 30 to 127
Glo Always Day (24 hours) – N500 (150MB data limit) send
10 to 127 To check your data balance, send an SMS with info to 127.

Activation codes for MTN Internet browsing bundles

MTN 250MB mobile browsing (24/7, 30 days) - N1300 (text
109 to 131)
MTN 500MB mobile browsing (24/7, 30 days) - N2,000 (SMS
110 to 131)
MTN 1GB mobile browsing (24/7, 30 days) - N3,500 (text 111
to 131)
MTN Monthly for mobile, 100MB (24/7 30 days) - N1000 (text
106 to 131)
MTN Daily for mobile, 10MB (24 hours) - N100 (SMS 104 to
MTN Weekly for mobile, 25MB (24/7, 7 days) - N500 (text
105 to 131)
MTN Daily Internet, 150MB (24 hours) - N500 (text 103 to
MTN Monthly Internet, 5GB (24/7, 30 days) - N8,000 (text
101 to 131)
MTN Day Time Internet, 3GB (9am - 9pm, 30 days) - N6,000
(text 107 to 131)
MTN Night Internet, 3GB (9pm - 6am, 30 days) - N2,500 (text
102 to 131)
MTN Weekend, 3GB (9am Fri - 9pm Mon, 30 days) - N3,000
(text 108 to 131)

To check your data balance, SMS 2 to 131.

Activation codes for Airtel Internet Browsing bundles

Airtel Smartphone Internet Bundle (1GB, 30 day,24/7) -
*141*712*10# - N3,000
Airtel Plus Internet Browsing (3GB, 30 day,24/7) -
*141*712*1# - N5,000
Airtel Max Internet Browsing (5GB, 30 day,24/7) -
*141*712*2# - N8,000
Airtel Premium Internet Bundle (10GB, 30 day,24/7) -
*141*712*5# - N15,000
Airtel Lite Internet Bundle (200MB, 30 day,24/7) -
*141*712*4# - N1,000
Airtel Night Internet Browsing (3GB, 30 day) - *141*712*7# -
Airtel Weekend Internet Browsing (3GB, weekends) -
*141*712*8# - N3,000
Airtel Weekly Internet Browsing Plan (25MB, 7 day,24/7) -
*141*712*9# - N400
Airtel Daily Internet Browsing Plan (10MB, 24 hours) -
*141*712*11# - N100
Airtel Day Internet Browsing Plan (150MB, 24 hours) -
*141*712*3# - N500 To check your data balance, dial *141*712*0#.

Activation codes for Etisalat Internet browsing bundles

(10MB/24 hours) - *229*3*1# -
Etisalat Weekly Internet Browsing Bundle (50MB/7 days) -
*229*3*4# - N500
Etisalat 200MB Internet Browsing Bundle (30 days) -
*229*2*1# - N1,000
Etisalat 500MB Internet Browsing Bundle (30 days) -
*229*2*2# - N2,000
Etisalat 1.5GB Internet Browsing Bundle (30 days) -
*229*2*4# - N4,000
Etisalat 3GB Internet Browsing Bundle (30 days) - *229*2*3# -
Etisalat 6GB Internet Browsing Bundle (30 days) - *229*2*5# -
Etisalat Night & Weekends Browsing (30 days) - *229*3*3# -
N4,000 To check your data balance, dial *228#. That is the activation codes for internet browsing bundles in Nigeria.

Hope you find it useful. Feel free to notify us of new activation codes
when new internet plans are introduced. You can also notify us of
activation codes for internet browsing bundles for other networks not
included here.


Below is the manual configuration settings for all the networks in Nigeria.


Account Name: MTN
Homepage: http://wap.mtnonline.com
Username: web
Password: web
Access Point or apn: web.gprs.mtnnigeria.net
IP or Proxy Address:
Port: 8080


Account Name: GLO
Homepage: http://wap.gloworld.com
Username: wap
Password: wap
Access Point or apn: glosecure
IP or Proxy Address:
Port: 8080
Account Name: AIRTEL
Homepage: http://wap.ng.airtel.com
Username: Internet
Password: Internet
Access Point or apn: internet.ng.zain.com
IP or Proxy Address:
Port: 8080
Account Name: ETISALAT
Homepage: http://www.etisalat.com.ng OR http://mobile.etisalat.com.ng
Username: wap
Password: wap
Access Point or apn: etisalat
IP or Proxy Address:
Port: 8080
here you have the complete manual settings to configure your mobile phone to access the internet. For questions and contribution, please use the contact us form above or drop it here.

BB10 Subscription Codes For Airtel, MTN, GLO And Etisalat

The new BlackBerry 10 internet plans subscription are as follows:

Airtel BB10 Subscription Code: Airtel Offers Monthly, Weekly and Daily Plans Ranging from MAX => MID => LITE

Send The Keywords of Your Choice Of Plan to 440

Data Plan | Duration | Price | Keyword | Data

BB10 Max-Month 30 Days 3000 Naira BMM 1.5GB
BB10 Max-Week 7 Days 1050 Naira BMW 350MB
BB10 Max-Day 24 Hours 200 Naira BMD 50MB
BB10 Midi -Month 30 Days 1500 Naira BIM 500MB
BB10 Midi-Week 7 Days 525 Naira BIW 130MB
BB10 Midi-Day 24 Hours 100 Naira BID 15MB
BB10 Lite-Month 30 Days 1000 Naira BLM 250MB
BB10 Lite-Week 7 Days 350 Naira BlW 80MB
BB10 Lite-Day 24 Hours 70 Naira BLD 10MB

MTN BB10 Subscription Codes: MTN Offers Monthly, Weekly and Daily Plans Ranging from MAX => MID => LITE

Send The Keywords of Your Choice Of Plan to 21600

Data Plan | Duration | Price | Keyword | Data

BB10 MAXI Month 30 Days 3000 Naira BBMAXIM 1.5GB
BB10 Maxi Week 7 Days 1050 Naira BBMAXIM 350MB
BB10 Maxi Day 24 Hours 200 Naira BBMAXID 50MB
BB10 Midi Month 30 Days 1500 Naira BBMIDIM 500MB
BB10 Midi Week 7 Days 525 Naira BBMIDIW 130MB
BB10 Midi Day 24 Hours 100 Naira BBMIDID 15MB
BB10 MINI-Month 30 Days 1000 Naira BBLITEM 250MB
BB10 MINI-Week 7 Days 350 Naira BBLITEW 80MB
BB10 MINI-Day 24 Hours 70 Naira BBLITED 10MB

GLO BB10 Subscription Codes: GLO Offers Monthly and Weekly Plans only. Ranging from MAX => MID=> LITE

Send The Keywords of Your Choice Of Plan to 777

Data Plan | Duration | Price | Keyword | Data

BB10 Max-Month 30 Days 3000 Naira MaxMonth 1.5GB
BB10 Max-Week 7 Days 1050 Naira MaxWeek 350MB
BB10 Midi-Month 30 Days 1400 Naira MIDMONTH 500MB
BB10 Midi-Week 7 Days 600 Naira MIDWEEK 100MB
BB10 Lite-Month 30 Days 1000 Naira LitMonth 200MB
BB10 Lite-Week 7 Days 400 Naira LiteWeek 50MB

Etisalat BB10 Subscription Code: Etisalat Offers Monthly and Weekly Plans Ranging from MAX => MID => LITE

Send The Keywords of Your Choice Of Plan to 399
Data Plan | Duration | Price | Keyword | Data

BB10 Max-Month 30 Days 3000 Naira MMax 1GB
BB10 Max-Week 7 Days 1500 Naira WMax 500MB
BB10 Midi-Month 30 Days 1400 Naira MMid 360MB
BB10 Midi-Week 7 Days 1000 Naira MIDWEEK 200MB
BB10 Lite-Month 30 Days 1000 Naira MLite 200MB
BB10 Lite-Week 7 Days 850 Naira WLite 85MB

Monday, 15 April 2013


Inside The 2013 Billionaires List: Facts and Figures

 This story appears in the March 25, 2013 issue of Forbes. 

In Pictures: The World's Richest People
The ranks of the world’s billionaires, as monitored and tallied by our global wealth team, have yet again reached all-time highs. The 2013 Forbes Billionaires list now boasts 1,426 names, with an aggregate net worth of $5.4 trillion, up from $4.6 trillion. We found 210 new ten-figure fortunes. Once again the U.S. leads the list with 442 billionaires, followed by Asia-Pacific (386), Europe (366), the Americas (129) and the Middle East & Africa (103).
Resurgent asset prices are the driving force behind the rising wealth of the super-rich around the globe. While last year almost as many fortunes fell as rose, this year gainers outnumbered losers by 4-to-1. Many new names made the list thanks to free-spending consumers. To name a few: Diesel jeans mogul Renzo Rosso at $3 billion, retailer Bruce Nordstrom at $1.2 billion and designer Tory Burch at $1 billion.
Carlos Slim is once again the world’s richest person, followed by Bill Gates. Amancio Ortega of Spanish retailer Zara moves up to No. 3 for the first time. He is the year’s biggest gainer, adding $19.5 billion to his fortune in one year. He moves ahead of Warren Buffett, despite the fact that the U.S. investing legend added $9.5 billion to his fortune. This is the first year since 2000 that Buffett has not been among the top 3. The year’s biggest loser is Brazilian Eike Batista, whose fortune dropped by $19.4 billion, or equivalent to about $50 million a day. His rank falls from no. 7 to no. 100 in the world.

Top 20 Richest Billionaires in the world. You must be woundering who they are, to find out.Click here

This is our 27th year publishing the Forbes Billionaires list. Though we’ve been at it a long time, it is never an easy task. Our reporters dig deep and travel far. To compile net worths, we value individuals’ assets–including stakes in public and private companies, real estate, yachts, art and cash–and account for debt. We attempt to vet these numbers with all billionaires. Some cooperate; others don’t. We also consult an array of outside experts in various fields.
The Forbes Billionaires ranks individuals rather than large, multi-generational families who share large fortunes. So Maja Oeri, who has a disclosed stake in pharmaceutical firm Roche, makes the list, but her eight relatives who, with a nonprofit foundation, share a $16 billion fortune do not. In some cases we list siblings together if the ownership breakdown among them isn’t clear, but here, too, they must be worth a minimum of $2 billion together, or equivalent to $1 billion apiece, to make the cut. We split up these fortunes when we get better information, as we did with the Matte and Rausing families this year. Children are listed with their parents when one person is the founder and in control. Those fortunes are identified as “& family.”
We do not include royal family members or dictators who derive their fortunes entirely as a result of their position of power, nor do we include royalty who, often with large families, control the riches in trust for their nation.  Over the years Forbes has valued the fortunes of these wealthy despots, dictators and royals but have listed them separately as they do not truly reflect individual, entrepreneurial wealth that could be passed down to a younger generation or truly given away.
Our estimates are a snapshot of wealth on Feb. 14, when we locked in stock prices and exchange rates from around the world. If a stock market wasn’t open on that day–as was the case with Taiwan, Saudi Arabia, Shanghai and Shenzhen–the stock price is from the previous trading day.
WEALTH EDITORS: Luisa Kroll and Kerry A. Dolan
COUNTRY EDITORS: Russell Flannery, Naazneen Karmali, Tatiana Serafin
WEALTH TEAM: Elena Berezanskaya, Erin Carlyle, Scott DeCarlo, Edwin Durgy, Ricardo Geromel, Ryan Mac, Andrea Murphy, Caleb Melby, Clare O’Connor, Brian Solomon
Forbes Czech Republic, Forbes Indonesia, Forbes Korea, Forbes Mexico, Forbes Poland, Forbes Russia, Forbes Ukraine, Nilgun Cavdar, Maggie Chen, Laura He, Christopher Helman, Andrea Hlinka, Sean Kilachand, Susanne Leiter, Zina Moukheiber, Suzanne Nam, Ozer Turan, Nathan Vardi
Susan Adams, Yuri Aksyonov, Frederick E. Allen, Anderson Antunes, Kelly Appleton, Forbes Argentina, Dan Bigman, Morgan Brennan, Jeff Bercovici, Steven Bertoni, Monte Burke, Emily Canal, Meghan Casserly, Ivan Castano, J.J. Colao, Boris Davidenko, Dolia Estevez, Daniel Fisher, Agustino Fontevecchia, Tomio Geron, Jenna Goudreau, Lisa H. Hata, Valery Igumenov, Daria Isakova, Jamie Lee, Neerja Pawha Jetley, John Kapetaneas, Ernesto Linares Mascaro, Elaine Mao, Nikolai Mazurin, Brian Mertens, Nina Mishchenko, Joann Muller, Lan Anh Nguyen, Mfonobong Nsehe, Parmy Olson, Dorothy Pomerantz, Susan Radlauer, Anuradha Raghunathan, Saritha Rai, Phyllis Fang Savage, Samantha Sharf, Igor Terentev, Halah Touryalai, Naoko Watanabe, Lesia Voytitskaya, Volodymyr Verbyany, Natalia Zaderey
PHOTO RESEARCH: Merrilee Santoro, Gail Toivanen
DATABASE: Dmitri Slavinsky, Louie Torres
DESIGNERS: Nina Gould, Irwin Hou
PRODUCT: Andrea Spiegel, Audrea Soong, Lauren Lee
PRODUCER: Kate Pierce
Alan Alanis, J.P. Morgan; Fernando BolaƱos, Monex; Simon Bowler, Exane; Canadean; China Credit Information Service (Taipei, Taiwan); Pablo Duarte, Actinver Investment Banking; Euromonitor; Tim Gittos, Artannes Capital Ltd; Sam Hamadeh, PrivCo; David Harper, Leisure Property Services  (Surrey, U.K.); Interactive Data and LionShares via FactSet Research Systems; Jones Lang LaSalle, UAE; Russell Kett, HVS London; Ross Moore, CBRE Limited
Tom Nicolopoulos, KPMG LLP – Canada; Jose Parra, Grupo Main; Dobek Pater, Africa Analysis, Centurion, South Africa; Real Capital Analytics; S&P Capital IQ; Standard & Poor’s; Trevor Ward; W Hospitality Group, Lagos, Nigeria